Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mercedes-Benz kill Maybach

Maybach continue disappointing Mercedes-Benz by bad sale.

luxury brand Maybach will disappear in some years

We heard that Dieter Zetsche decided to stop development Maybach line to replace current models: 57 and 62. The study reveal that the Maybach brand is destroyed, so  Mercedes-Benz should focus on own brand, then try to to recover Maybach. Mercedes-Benz has more chance in competition with Rolls-Royce and Bentley. But today current Maybach models will stay in production until 2013 year.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Increases prices for Maybach models in 2012

Last years Maybach not very popular, all models sells worth and worth. Dealers can not sell enough Maybach, pay big money only for brand?

Maybach aggressive strategy

In this situation, when Maybach can dissapear and a bout going down, they should decrease prices. But No! it`s very interesting way to save boat, by increase prices. Maybe this some big strategy, but they could make profit before brand dissapear, but no. On all models increase on 4 000 dollars, only Landaulet save the $1.38m. we are waiting for the big finale.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mercedes-Benz celebrate 125 year anniversary

It`s a big year. Mercedes-Benz celebrate 125 year and just like other company want to make a big present for a client.

Mercedes-Benz is 125 years old

It`s not a cake with 125 candle, of course, it`s new offer new Maybach with some new toys. Now this car has 20-inch rims, some Swarowski elements inside, we get reclining seats, HD screen for movies and wireless internet, but that`s not all .  Also new leather upholstery, a lot of new colors design with decorate silver line. What we can say? Car maker do big job,. Maybach has a good speed, very convenient and luxury, but new car is something more...

So let`s wish  Mercedes-Benz all best, new clients, new cars, better then before, and I want another 125 years to work and to celebrate 250 years old.